Monday, September 30, 2019

My Favourite Communication Essay

Introduction to communication, I not only have more knowledge, and skills but also having real experiences. Nonverbal Communication and establishing relationship level meaning which are the most important things I had been learned. Nonverbal communication is crucial in relationships because it is essentially the leading factor for communication. There are three different ways that nonverbal communication is shown in relationships: responsiveness, liking, and power. Responsiveness is when we use our eye contact, posture, and body gestures to convey our emotions and thoughts to the other person. For instance, if someone were to slouch in their chair and have a bored look on their face, they are probably conveying that they don’t care about the class or that they are not interested in anything that is being said. Liking is a way to show positive communication towards others. Examples of this would be smiles, hugs, kisses, high fives, etc. Learning about nonverbal communication and how it establishes relationship level meaning is crucial in my everyday life. Nonverbal communication is essential in any relationship so learning about responsiveness, liking, and power, will give me a better understanding on the quality and level of my relationships. For instance, when I am working with a group at university, I will be able to better understand and have better awareness of the people who want to work and those who do not. It not only helps to better understand nonverbal communication but also to be aware of it in every situation. In my future career, nonverbal communication will play a fundamental role. If I am to pursue a profession in sign language interpreting, I will have to be able to tune my senses to everything nonverbal. Sign language is all about facial expression and body language, so learning about postures and gestures in nonverbal communication will really give me a tool to be aware of the nonverbal behaviors.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Project Dilemma At Canadian Shield Insurance Essay

Introduction After reading the case, you ought to realize that our protagonist, Seamus Reynolds, is between the proverbial â€Å"rock and a hard spot† and you are probably thinking â€Å"I would hate to be him†. Guess what? You are going to be him in this assignment. There is quantitative data in the case that we can analyze; however, we are also going to â€Å"quantify† the qualitative data provided – think of it as reducing numerical and non-numerical data to a set of numbers we can use to make a decision. Yes, you read that correctly, attach numbers to data without numbers. Exhibit 3 of the case will accomplish this for us and is called a Scorecard. A bit of history on this method from your â€Å"long in the tooth† Instructor. Scorecard analysis was made popular by a Kepner Tregoe decision making model dating back to the 1950’s. In essence, a decision is made by gathering information, prioritizing it and then evaluating it. The following link provide a quick primer on the method: Kepner Tregoe Decision Making We are going to use a scorecard to assist in the decision about which of the 3 information systems Seamus should recommend to upper management. One of the scorecard inputs (called â€Å"NPV† in Exhibit 3) involves the cost for each system (capital cost and operating costs). Here we will take the present value of the Year 1 to Year 5 operating costs and add them to the Year 0 capital cost (if applicable) to get a TCO. In these calculations we will be ignoring sunk costs (hint: Google sunk cost). In addition to the above decision making criteria we will take a look at the human side of â€Å"sunk costs†, learn from IS implementations, IS â€Å"make vs. buy†Ã‚  and determine who should be making a crucial IS decision for an entire company. Lab Assignment Questions 146 Marks in Total 1. Open the Excel file â€Å"Lab Assignment 6 PV and Scorecard Template.xlsx† and select the â€Å"PV Costs† worksheet. After inputting the table data (6 marks), calculate the PV to Operate System for all 3 scenarios provided (30 marks). 36 marks total 2. Select the â€Å"Scorecard† worksheet. Assign a Weight to ? scorecard items, then calculate the scores for the 3 IS options. 45 marks Answer the following questions on a new worksheet in the above Excel file and when done, upload to the designated Sharein folder. 3. Based on your calculations in (1) and (2) above, which IS Option would you recommend that Seamus select? 5 marks 4. Should the decision to select an IS option be left solely to Seamus? Explain. 10 marks 5. The concept of sunk costs is simple to apply in theory. Explain applying this theory to the calculations in (1) above from a Capital Cost and People point of view. 10 marks 6. Read the â€Å"Qualifiers vs. Competes.pdf† file. In light of what the file says, comment about the scorecard that the Ivey case writers compiled. 10 marks If you believe there an alternative or 4th solution that Seamus might recommend, what might it be? Explain. 10 marks 7. Read the â€Å"IT Value Metrics_ How to Communicate ROI to the Business.pdf† file, in particular the chart on Page 5/6. Next, open the file named â€Å"Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference.pdf†, go to Page 5 and study the charts and their message (and any accompanying prose in the article). Based on these 2 files and the case data, is it crucial that Canadian Shield Insurance â€Å"keep up with/get ahead of the Jones’s† (i.e., keep up/get ahead of the competition)? Explain. 20 marks

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Technology is shifting at a faster rate resulting in development of new methods that assist in completion of certain technological demand. This has given birth to different enterprise architecture frameworks that fulfill the requirements of day-to-day activities. Architecture is a framework of guidelines, principles, models, standards and strategies that directs, construction and development of business process, design and information and resources through enterprise. Hence, enterprise architecture is a blueprint, which defines the structure and operation of a given organization (Fowler & Rice 2003). Thus, a foundation in which an organization can determine how to achieve current and future aims. There are many types of EA frameworks with specified capabilities. Some of these frameworks include ToGAF, Zachman, FEAF, DoDAF and EAP. The aim of this paper is to analyze ToGAF, and analyze how it compares with other EA frameworks. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is an enterprise architecture framework, which approaches the development of enterprise information architecture through design, planning, governance and implementation. This EA framework employs four pillars to achieve its goals: Application, Business, Technology and Data. Before the architect plans for current and future aims of the organization, they are provided with foundation architectures that form the basis that they will use for the new development. The four pillars play a crucial role in ensuring that the process is successful. Business architecture allows the definition of governance, business strategy, the organization and any other important processes of the given organization. Applications architecture allows the provision of the blueprint for the specific application to enable the interaction, deployment and create relationships between the important business processes of a given organization. Data architecture describes the structure of the given organization and defines physical and logical data assets that are in the given organization. Technical architecture defines the software, hardware and network infrastructure that is in place and the required technical resources to accomplish the mission in question. The original aim of the TOGAF was to design and develop technology architecture for a given business entity. However, the framework has evolved becoming a methodology that is used to analyze overall business architecture. This resulted into splitting of the enterprise methodology into two parts: Architecture Development Method (ADM) and Enterprise continuum. The ADM ensures that the enterprise architecture meets the requirements of the organization in terms of business needs and information technology needs. Its ability to be tailored ensures that organizational needs are factored in each of the different execution steps of the architecture planning process. The process is usually cyclic and iterative because the entire process is split into phases. The ADM supports nine phases; the first is the preliminary and the second to the ninth ranges from Phase A to Phase H. Each phase requirements are checked and ensured that it fulfills its basic needs. For example, Phase C combines Application and Data architecture and phase B and C ensure that the clarity of the information architecture is achieved (Lankhorst 2005). For the ADM to be successful, Enterprise Continuum comes handy. Generally, the Enterprise Continuum can be seen as a ‘virtual repository’ of all the assets of the architecture that is in an organization. These assets may include architectural patterns, architectural models, architecture descriptions and other important artifacts. Enterprise Continuum brings together Solutions and Architecture Continuum. The Architecture Continuum structures the re-usable architecture assets, which brings together representations, rules, relationships of information systems that are available to the enterprise. The Solutions Continuum defines the blocks that are used by the Architecture Continuum. This then allows the architectural building models and blocks that assists building the architecture design and eliminates ambiguity during analysis and implementation of the process. Usually there is a relationship between the different EA frameworks in terms of how it operates and ways that enables it to accomplish its duties. Zachman Framework and TOGAF ADM part share some common features. ADM mapping in relation to the Zachman Framework supports a correlation. The Zachman Framework has a well established and comprehensive taxonomy that supports various models, viewpoints and other important artifacts, which an enterprise may consider developing as a phase of the EA (White 2007). The Zachman Framework covers the 30 cells, but the TOGAF does not cover all the cells. However, it is possible for the TOGAF to develop viewpoints to accomplish aspects of Zachman Framework. Nevertheless, there are some viewpoints that are supported by TOGAF, which are not included in the Zachman Framework. For example, the missing viewpoints include manageability and security. The purpose of the architecture is to define viewpoints, an aspect that is supported by the TOGAF ADM but lacks in Zachman Framework. Zachman Framework vertical axis provides a source of potential viewpoints while the horizontal may provide generic taxonomy concerns. Thus, the Zachman Framework does not have means for processes for conformant views or developing viewpoints. Hence, it does not employ a perspective that is shown by TOGAF’s ADM. FEAF structure resembles with TOGAF because it is portioned into Data, Business, Technology and Applications Architectures. Thus, it contains guidance that is analogous to TOGAF architecture and its architectural viewpoints and perspectives. However, the rows that are in the FEAF matrix do not directly map to TOGAF structure. However, the mapping of ADM to Zachman Framework has some correlation between TOGAF and FEAF. Hence, the columns that are in the FEAF matrix correspond to the three architecture domains that are supported by TOGAF; the fourth TOGAF domain covers business architecture that lacks in the FEAF structure. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is a framework that brings together Applications, Information and Technology Architectures in fulfilling the requirements of architecture. Thus, it shares many concepts with TOGAF because the aim of EAP is to form blueprints for architectures to solve business problems. Moreover, EAP supports the nine phases that are supported by the TOGAF (White 2007). The first three phases in the EAP (Business Architecture) maps to the Phase B of TOGAF ADM. Baseline Description, which is the step 4 in EAP maps to Phases C and D of TOGAF ADM. These are some of the basic features that both frameworks share. However, EAP does not support taxonomy of various views and viewpoints when compared to the TOGAF architecture. Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) defines the architecture systems into consistent and complementary views. It defines a structure and mechanisms that help in understanding, visualizing and assimilating the complexities and broad scope of a given architecture design through tabular, graphic and textual means. Thus, it shares minimal aspect with TOGAF. In fact, TOGAF focus on the methodology of architecture in terms of â€Å"how to† without bringing into consideration architecture description constructs. This perspective is different when it comes to the DODAF architecture. DoDAF main functionality focus on the architecture through a given set of views without any specified methodology, a perspective that is different from TOGAF, which has a specific methodology (Bernus & Fox 2005). ADM guides the way that TOGAF operates, an aspect that is less exhibited in the DoDAF. This is because the purpose of architecture determines description of use and supports a well tailored process to fulfill the requirements of the EA (McGovern & Ambler 2003). DODAF requires that all information, analysis and products to build should be put forefront before building the architecture. However, TOGAF specify certain requirements that should be in place and grouped into the four pillars. DoDAF supports three â€Å"views† System, Operational and Technical while the TOGAF support four views. However, â€Å"views† in DoDAF differs from the view that is seen in the TOGAF. Deliverables and artifacts that are defined in the DoDAF have no corresponding parts in the TOGAF ADM. This is because DoDAF goes deeper in determining details of the specific architecture. Thus, DoDAF are at the system design level rather than in TOGAF, which is in the architecture level. Nevertheless, the level of detail can be included in the ADM especially at Phase B, C and D of the TOGAF. Enterprise Architecture plays an important role in ensuring that the business strategy and the requirements of a certain process are achieved. TOGAF approach is useful in achieving a business-oriented process through a well defined methodology. TOGAF have common features and minor differences with other EA such as the Zachman, FEAF, DoDAF and EAP. The view and viewpoint that is incorporated by the TOGAF ensures that the requirements of the organization are achieved. Thus, TOGAF plays an important role, which is envisaged by other Enterprise Architecture Framework. It fulfills the requirements that it is assigned, however, fulfills it different from the other EA frameworks. References Bernus, P. & Fox, M. (2005). Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise: Interoperability Strategies for the Enterprise Architect. London: Birkhauser. The book addresses Enterprise Architectures and Enterprise Integration in a way that makes it easy to utilize Enterprise Models and other Modeling Tools. It brings together the different models and forms of a framework into fulfilling a requirement. Thus, it develops interchange models between the given modeling tools, maintain its interdependencies and knowledge on the re-use of enterprise models. The authors also provide means towards the achievement of the ISO9001:2000. The book brings into consideration Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing (DIISM’04) and International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technology (ICEIMT’04). Fowler, M. & Rice, D. (2003). Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishers. The book provides proven solutions to the problems that are experienced by information system developers. The book utilizes code example in terms of C+ and Java. The book turns the problems that are associated with enterprise applications developers into a new strategy that eliminates these problems and ensures that the developers are in an environment that they can easily embrace. The authors’ helps professionals to understand complex issues associated with architecture. The book shows that architecture is crucial in completion of application development and multi-user environment. In addition, the book provides patterns and context in EA that enables the reader to have proper means to make the right decisions. Lankhorst, M. (2005). Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modeling, Communication, and Analysis. New York: Springer. The authors bring clearly the complexities that are associated with architectural domains. It brings into consideration description of the enterprise architecture and fulfillment into an organization in terms of processes, structure, systems, applications and techniques. The book brings into consideration description of components and unambiguous specification to allow for a logical modeling language. They utilize their skills in ensuring that the architects have concrete skills that fulfill the architectural practice. It also gives means that allows communication between stakeholders that are involved in these architectures. The authors also provide means to assess both qualitative impact and quantitative aspects of the given architectures. Modeling language that is utilized has been used in real-life cases. McGovern, J. & Ambler, S. (2003). A practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture. New York: Prentice Hall PTR. The authors of the book have hands-on experience in solving real-world problems for major corporations. The book contains guidelines that assist the architects to make sense of the systems, data, services, software, methodologies, and product lines. The book also provides explanation of the theory and its application to the real world business needs. Perks, C. & Beveridge, T. (2003). Guide to Enterprise IT Architecture. New York: Springer Publishers. The book brings into consideration different Enterprise Architecture frameworks. The authors’ clearly explains development of a modeling concept through various technical architecture, e-business and gap analysis. Moreover, the book brings into consideration operating systems and software engineering principles. Moreover, the book relates EA with service instances, distributed computing, application software and enterprise application integration. Ross, J. & Weill, P. (2006). Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation for Business Execution. Chicago: Harvard Business Press. The aim of EA is to define the requirements of an organization in terms of job roles, standardized tasks, infrastructure, system and data. Moreover, the book also gives guidelines in the way that organizations will compete in a digitalized world providing managers with means to make decisions and realize visions that they had planned. Thus, the book explains EA vital role in fulfilling the execution of a given business strategy. The book provides thoughtful case examples, clear frameworks, and a proven and effective way of achieving EA. Scheer, A. & Kruppke, H. (2006). Agility by ARIS Business Process Management. New York: Springer Publishers. The authors’ brings into consideration the benefits that are associated with utilizing of varies EA frameworks. It brings into consideration the various differences that are seen in each EA framework. Moreover, the authors explores the benefits that will result if a given framework is utilized in a given business strategy. Thus, the book is business oriented with EA playing an important role. Schekkerman, J. (2003). How to Survive in the Jungle of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, 2nd Ed. New York: Trafford Publishers. This book defines the role that is played by enterprise Architecture Frameworks bringing clearly the main difference between the common Enterprise Architecture Frameworks. This book provides the right procedures and means that can allow selection of the right Enterprise Architecture Framework. The book further gives the history and overview of various Enterprise Architecture Frameworks and the capabilities that the specified Enterprise Architecture. Some common features of EA that the book explores are principles, purpose, scope, structure, and compliance and guidance to ensure that the right EA is chosen. Wagter, R. & Steenbergen, M. (2005). Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make it work. New York: John Wiley and Sons Publications. The authors of the book present a way towards EA that enables organizations to achieve the objectives of their business. The book focuses on governance of the IT organization, advice and strategies provide tangible tools that assist in the achievement of the goals of the organization. If all the directives are followed the organization will achieve its goals at a faster speed. White, J. (2007). Managing Information in the Public Sector. New York: M. E. Sharpe. The book covers the basis of information technology, political and managerial issues that revolve the EA. This book is specifically written for the public and it covers all problems that are related to IT and the public.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Eating Disorders in today's society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eating Disorders in today's society - Essay Example It is because of this one standard that eating disorders have become almost fashion statements themselves, as girls result to them to maintain a thin physique. The biggest focus for both men and women when it comes to being attractive is their weight, though this is quickly followed by the physical, flawless appearance of the face. When it comes to females, a thin, slightly toned body is considered attractive and beautiful. In regard to men, they can either be thin, well-built, or athletic in appearance. Despite how pretty a person may be when it comes to their face, overweight and heavyset people are seldom considered attractive in accordance to society’s standards of today. Standards of attractiveness do not vary so much by gender or age. Men expect women to be thin and busty, while women expect men to either be thin or athletic. Each gender expects the other to at least be able to maintain a decent weight; again, the standard of thin being beautiful is still in play regardless of gender or age. Sexual orientation, however, is slightly different. The majority of homosexual individuals do not put as much stock in beauty or attractiveness as heterosexual people do. Indeed, many homosexual females who look butch or manly are considered to be attractive, while homosexual males who look dainty and delicate are regarded as being attractive. Even when, in homosexual relationships, a female looks like the typical idea of a female, or a male looks like a typical male, they are still seen as attractive by their fellows. What our culture tells men about how to attract women is they need to appear as men, regardless of what their real age is. They need to be thin or muscular; many of them tend to look like a cliched Californian surfer. However, men also need to have an appealing and independent personality, which goes to show that not all beauty is physical. On the other end of the spectrum, however, are the women who believe that they need to attract men by

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Writing Assignment #2 Fence Standards, from the Fennelly textbook Essay

Writing Assignment #2 Fence Standards, from the Fennelly textbook - Essay Example CPTED offers a framework for integrating crime prevention into urban designs quality. It focuses on the reduction of crime opportunities and lessens the motivation to offend, while nurturing positive interactions between sincere users of the space. The objective of surveillance is to convince potential attackers that they are very little possibilities of a successful attack due to strong defense mechanisms. The initial security layer of building uses CPTED to discourage threats. Prior to the use or implementations of surveillance options, CPTED’s theory indicates that the proper design, as well as effective use of built environments, can decrease crime. Design is one of the key factors before considering surveillance technology. They are three primary CPTED design guidelines that are broadly accepted. The type of locks needed in facilities that require secrecy and confidentiality are dependent on a combination of correlated factors that involve design, installation, manufacturing, and system maintenance (Fennelly, 2012). In addition, not all locks are applicable in most situation, specifically designed locks are usually used in specifically provided situation, hence sufficient knowledge of basic principles of locking systems are inevitable. Security lighting is an effective deterrent method. Attackers will never enter a well-lit area or premise. This form of security cuts across various locations such as parking lots, office space, and entry points. Doors, gates and other forms of entrance must be well lit in so as  to allow for observation of persons and vehicles coming in and out (Fennelly, 2012). When lighting facility grounds, using broadly distributed low-intense lighting is normally superior to small spots of high-intense lighting, because the latter has a tendency to produce dead spots for security personnel, as well as CCTV cameras. This option is

Company's economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Company's economics - Essay Example ntory 60000 Purchases 200000 Advertising Expenses 20000 Rent 7200 Telephone 1200 Utilities 4800 Payroll 112000 Loan-1 (336x12) 4032 Bal C/d 1392 Loan-2 (8000+4160) 12160 Common Stock A/C Interest A/C Bal c/d 60000 Cash 60000 Cash 4160 Profit/Loss A/c 4160 Loan A/C Pickup Truck A/c Cash 4032 Cash 32000 Cash 2000 Cash 8000 Pickup Truck 10000 Loan 10000 Bal c/d 12000 Bal C/d 29968 Display Equipment A/C Debtors A/C Cash 6000 Bal C/d 6000 Sales 60000 Balc/d 60000 Rototiller A/c Rent A/C Cash 400 Bal c/d 400 Cash 7200 Profit/Loss A/c 7200 Cash Register A/C Telephone Expense A/C Cash 3600 Cash 1200 Profit/Loss A/C 1200 Inventory A/C Utilities A/C Cash 60000 Cost of Sales 240000 Cash 4800 Profit/Loss A/C 4800 Cash 200000 Bal c/d 20000 Payroll A/C Sales A/C Cash 112400 Profit/Loss A/C 112400 Cash 340000 Profit/Loss A/c 400000 Debtors 60000 Advertising Expense Cash 20000 Profit/Loss A/C 20000 THE GARDEN PLACE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31 2007 $ $ Sales 400,000 Less: Cost of Goo ds Sold Opening stock 60000 Purchases +200000 Stock available for sale 260000 Less: closing stock (20000) Cost of goods sold (240000) Gross profit 160000 Less: Expenses Interest expense 4160 Advertising expense 20000 Rent 7200 Telephone 1200 Utilities 4800 Payroll 112000 (149360) Net Income 10640 Balance Sheet VERTICAL ANALYSIS COMPANY A BALANCE SHEET 2011 2010 Assets $ % $ % Current Assets Cash 4274 1.58% 1270 1% Trade Accounts Receivables 56504 20.95% 41174 22% Inventories 184113 68.26% 132196 70% Deferred tax payment 3384 1.25% 2611 1% Other current assets 11053 4.10% 8795 5% Total current assets 259328 96.14% 186046 98% Advance to supplier, net of imputed interest 4479 1.66% 0 0% Preferential supply agreement 521 0.19% 0 0% Long term financing cost, net of amortization 1360 0.50% 0 0% Property and equipment, net 4060 1.51% 4078 2% Total assets 269728 100.00% 190124 100% Liabilities and shareholders’ equity Current liabilities Notes payable 154424 57.25% 100447 53% Current maturities 160 0.06% 15131 8% Trade accounts payable 50054 18.56% 31482 17% Income tax payable 4060 1.51% 6143 3% Accrued expense and derivative liabilities 4089 1.52% 10537 6% Dividends payable 231 0.09% 0 0% Total current liabilities 213018 78.98% 148760 78% Mortgage payable 1461 1621 1% Subordinated convertible debt net of unamortized discount 9501 0.54% 0 0% Derivative liability for embedded conversion option 1934 3.52% 0 0% Deferred tax payable 212 0.72% 0 0% Stakeholders Equity Common stock$0.1 par value, 20000000 shares authorized and 11749651 issued Dec31 2011 and 2010 117 0.04% 117 0% Additional paid in capital 11937 4.43% 11937 6% Retained Earnings 35271 13.08% 31235 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (214) -0.08% (96) 0% Treasury stock 2511245 and 2490745 shares at Dec31 2011 and 2010 (3509) -1.30% (3450) -2% Total shareholders’ equity 43602 16.17% 39743 21% Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 269728 100.00% 190124 100% COMPANY A INCOME STATEMENT V ERTICAL ANALYSIS $ % $ % Net Sales 514633 100.00% 465013 100.00% Cost of goods sold 490102 95.23% 434785 93.50% Gross Profit 24531 4.77% 30228 6.50% Selling, general and administrative expense 13336 2.59% 12031 2.59% Operating income before impairment recovery 11195 2.18% 18197 3.91% Impairment recovery 0 0.00% 346 0.07% Operating income 11195 2.18% 18543 3.99% Other income/expense Change in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Second Writing Assignment Primary Sources Case Study

Second Writing Assignment Primary Sources - Case Study Example The speech by Beveridge represents a statement of expansion and social growth across the borders, which formed part of the American ambitions. In this speech, Beveridge asserts the notion that America is the leader of universal democracy that is entitled to benefit all mankind irrespective of where they are. He believes that united states are endowed with a mission to spread its enlightened politics, culture, economics and religion to all corners of the world whether they are willing to receive it or not. According to Beveridge, the Americans are endowed with a talent to exercise control of the world, a talent they should not hide1. Manifest Destiny is an ideology by in this speech that supports imperialism in various ways. It supports the notion of Anglo-Saxon racial superiority since Beveridge believed that his race is superior to others and should thus conquer others in the whole world. Beveridge believed that Americans were justified to displace the natives as they expand across the continent in the name of civilization. Beveridge had no soft words for his opponents. Due to this, he considered opponents of imperialism as infidels to gospel who would make America lose their territories. He argued that those against American imperialism were against the wishes of God, making him differ with his opponents who argue that continuation of American isolationist policies is inherently selfish. He urged his opponents that imperialism is a policy that enabled the Americans to preserve the spirit of their founding fathers who had restrained the wilderness. According to Paris, evident destiny delivered Beveridge with more decent and challenging reason to participate in grand activities against other territories beyond the foundation of commercial supremacy. According to Beveridge, the American-Spanish war the most holy wars ever waged by one nation against the other since it

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

SmartDust Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SmartDust - Speech or Presentation Example The communication protocol has truly transformed and broadened our horizon. The evolution of SMAR DUST is the development of the century. The technological advent under SMART DUST has facilitated mankind in a manner never imagined before. SMART DUST is not a dust collector, it is control system. This is a system not to control dust, but to control what we want it to. Be it climate forecast, temperature change, vibration upset, computation devices; SMART DUST is service provider for all these monitoring items. Cory Doctorow quoted, "technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it"; truly SMART DUST is the realization of this fact. The monitoring of any surveillance parameter is now possible through SMART DUST. SMART DUST is smart solution for power conservation; reasonable reduction is size and power requirement has been achieved through SMART DUST revolution. The SMART DUST technology is simple solution, it merely comprises of "very compact, autonomous and mobile nodes, each containing one or more sensors, computation and communication capabilities, and a power supply". Mobile networking and systems community has advanced after successful evolution of SMART DUST.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Phonetics Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phonetics Lesson - Essay Example Phonics lessons generate the best results for enhancing language. This paper will focus on one aspect of phonetics, Articulatory Phonetics, and create a lesson plan for English Language Learners (ELLs) with regards to this aspect. In learning articulation, phoneticians elucidate how people produce speech sounds through the interaction of diverse physiological structures (Bickford, 2006). Normally, articulatory phonetics is related to the conversion of aerodynamic energy into audio energy. Aerodynamic energy is the air that flows in the vocal tract. Aerodynamic energy’s potential structure is air pressure. Its kinetic structure, on the other hand, is the actual active airflow. Acoustic energy refers to the variation in the air pressure, which can be characterized as sound waves that are then professed by the human acoustic system as sound (Robertson, 2009). The key focus of this article is to offer educators a practical way to assist English Language Learners (ELLs) make little progress in literacy, especially ELLs who experience complexity in being aware of and differentiating the sounds in words (Robertson, 2009). This focus-grade of this paper will be students of the lower grades that are first to fifth grade. English language learners in these grades will benefit from improved exposure to language and print material. A print-rich classroom should include access to reference materials and books, labels and posters, and student works put on notice boards (Robertson, 2009). Speech walls are also a significant way educators could use to assist ELLs develop the phonetics skills. The speech walls should be organized around a variety of concepts, comprising of the alphabet and phonetic sounds, sight words, new vocabulary words, grammar rules, writing structures and conversational phrases (Bickford, 2006). A student's native language will also most probably have a strong effect on the manner, which the student learns English. Considering how this language is comparable to or diverse from English will assist educators to center on difficult areas in the lessons. This control can offer extra assistance, such as the case of Spanish and English cognates (educacion and education). The influence also might lead to some enduring faults in English that will become clear with time and frequent use by learners who have a similar native language. Languages might be different in a number of ways, such as pronunciation, phonetic sounds, word order, sentence structure or grammar (Robertson, 2009). For instance, in Spanish, the adjective frequently follows the noun, therefore an ELL might write, "We are a couple happy." In Somali, b and p have the same or similar sound. Somali students, therefore, need to be trained on these sounds clearly as two separate sounds. If not, they might ask for a tin of pop and it appears like they have asked for "bob." Native language might also influence learners’ vocabulary as they interpret phrases or words from one foreign language to another. Maybe a vocabulary word has numerous meanings, a diverse meaning in every language, or the idea is not present in one of the languages (Bickford, 2006). Even though, many educators do not know their learner's native language, being conscious of the effect of native language will allow educators to target their instruction successfully. A phonetics class that has ELLs should incorporate models of how to use structures, sounds, and language appropriately in English (Bickford, 2006).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Classifications of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Essay Example for Free

Classifications of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Essay 1. Technology Although the Electric Vehicles (EVs) have been around since the earliest days of automotive industry, they were not able to live up to consumer demand in terms of price range and charging time until recently. A recent survey has revealed what the consumer demands from EVs. According to a study based on a survey conducted in 17 countries with 13,000 individuals the demanded technology and the result of the study is that EV technology is at a period of its lifecycle where the performance of the technology is not at a level that customer expects. 1. 1. Range Although there is a high consumer willingness recently to either consider to purchase EV or willing to be a first mover when it comes to EV adoption, many of them does not compromise in Range. Despite the fact that the average consumer does not exceed 50 miles per day, the consumer still demands further range capacity from EVs. The majority of the consumers correlate EVs range with conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles [1]. Also According to Hidrue, M. (2010) â€Å"range anxiety† is the primary concern of a potential EV consumer. As the figure illustrates, although the greater majority (78%) of consumers in the US drives around 50 miles, a big portion of them have expectation for EV to be able to drive around 300 miles. The current technology allows EVs to drive between approximately 100 miles between charges. The only EV that can get close to consumer demand in terms of range is Tesla S (which drives 265 miles) as of 2013. However, the average technology does not live up to consumer demand in terms of drivable range between charges currently. The main constraint for the low range is energy density. According to Deploit (2011), the forecast was revealing that with the battery technology in hand the driving range still would fall short of consumer expectations. 1. 2 Top Speed and Acceleration There are multiple schools of thought about how consumer behavior affects EV market. According to those consumers would purchase new vehicles whose attributes are superior to those of currently in the market, they would not seek alternatives which are worse than what they have currently [4]. As an example Nissan Leaf is rated up to 90 kW of power which is approximately 120 horsepower in ICE which is in line with a large number of compact and intermediate vehicles such as CW Jetta, Toyota Corolla and Ford Focus. There are also better EVs in the market in terms of performance, in example Tesla S series can produce 416 horsepower and can go up to 130 mph on a highway [5]. The reason why EV generally does not go more than that is that high speeds drop the fuel efficiency dramatically. Table. 1 The performance chart of Tesla S [5] 2. Vehicle Architecture 3. 1. Vehicle Architecture. Although there are different frames that can model a vehicle’s architecture, the following one is a comprehensive way to understand the functions and interrelationships of the components. In order to adjust the high speed of the electric machine to the low speed wheels, the torque of the left and right wheels are provided by a differential. Basically, the inverter inverts DC voltage battery into three-phase AC voltage that is required by the electric machine. Furthermore, it is also important to account for losses due to the components, which are not a part of the power chain when analyzing the energy consumption. These auxiliary losses comprise lighting system, comfort system, safety systems, etc. It is also very critical that the maximum voltage of the battery is not exceeded during the regenerative braking, to prevent that from happening the architecture is reinforced by braking resistor [6]. Exhibit 1. Architecture of a typical Electric vehicle [6] 3. 1. System Architecture Electric Vehicle’s architecture is similar at certain points to ICE. Driver interface and command interpreter receives input from users through steering wheel, brakes, and gas pedal and then by considering vehicle speed and vehicle path, creates propulsion. The motion control comprises two primary blocks such as the path controller and energy management controller. Path controller gives forces and moments demands to the force distributor. The energy management controller determines the state of the charge and estimates the overall traction force to be sent to command controller unit [7]. Exhibit 2. System architecture[7] References [1] Deloitte (2011), Survey: Electric vehicle realities versus consumer expectations [2] Hidrue, M., (2010) Willingness to Pay for Electric Vehicles and their Attributes [3] Wikipedia, (2013) Plug-in electric cars in the United States: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Plug-in_electric_vehicles_in_the_United_States [4] Lee, H. , Lovellette, G. , (2011) Will Electric Cars transform the U. S. Vehicle Market. [5]Wikipedia, Tesla S (2013), http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tesla_Model_S [6] Shaltz, E. , (2011), Electric Vehicle Design and Modeling. [7] Sinha, P. , Agrawal, V. , (2011), Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Architecture Alternatives.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Development of the World Wide Web

Development of the World Wide Web CERN stands for Centre Europe n de Recherchà © which means the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. After the 2nd World War, many international organisations were evolving during which Raoul Dautry, Pierre Auger and Lew Kowarski from France, Edoardo Amaldi from Italy and Niels Bohr from Denmark intended to build an Atomic Physics Laboratory. After many intergovernal meeting and conventions, on 29 September 1954, it came formally in existence. CERNs main area is high energy physics researches. It provides particle accelerators for nuclear physics experiments. After 1954, there has been numerous researches and evolvements at CERN and is continuing its contribution to science and technology. The main aim of CERN is, Research: Solving the mysteries of the Universe Technology: Developing new technologies. Collaborating: Uniting the nations through science. Education: Providing trainings and research platforms for future scientists. (CERN, 2008) 2. WWW In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist in CERN wrote a proposal to develop a distributed information system for the laboratory. His boss commented the idea to be vague but exciting. After those words the way information was transmitted revolutionised. By 1990, Tim had defined the Webs basic concepts of URL, HTTP and HTML and also wrote the first browser and server software. The WWW was born. (CERN, 2008) 3. Development of WWW After the successful operation on the multi-platform computer network at the CERN laboratories in August 1991 CERN files alt.hypertext was made accessible to the public. During the time all the coded programmes were stored in a computer in CERN called the Web Server because it interconnects with the HTML documents. There was only one web server located at CERN.Gradually after that www began to spread throughout the world specially universities and research labs. YEAR WEB SERVER 1991 1 1992 50 1999 720,000 2001 24 million+ 2010 240 million+ Source: During 1993, Marc Andreessen, University student at the University of Illinois led a team that developed the Graphical User Interface (GUI) browser called Mosaic. Later, Mosaic was released for Windows and Macintosh platforms to install it.Popularity of this Graphical browser that made people without computer awareness possible to use www by navigating and pointing. (Gribble C, 2009) 4. Internet The internet is a global system of interconnected computers, having ability to provide transparent, self-organising, interoperability among large numbers of diverse networks, host computer and application. (Dimensioning the internet, 1998) 5. Internet History The idea of developing a global network was thought by three pioneers and a conference where they developed a concept of publicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks around the world to share the information. Among these pioneers, Vannevar Bush gave an idea of potential uses of information technology through his library system. Norbert Wiener invented the Cybernetics which inspired many developers to work on the possibilities from the IT and Marshall McLuhan made the whole concept of interconnected computer popular. Finally the conference of Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence in 1956 approved the concept and realised the stride improvement of technology. In 1957 the first satellite, Sputnik I was launched by the Soviet Union. This satellite could affect US by the space based nuclear attack. Therefore to stop this US government was forced to create an agency that mandates this kind of foreign attack. As a result US formed Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA).This organisation was primarily created to help defend US against the attack through constant effective communication.JCR Licklider, head of Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) based within the ARPA focused on the benefits of a nationwide communication network. During the process he hired Lawrence Roberts to implement in his vision. Lawrence Roberts led to the development of the network. After few years a special computer called an Interface Message Processor was developed to comprehend the design and in October 1969, network called ARPANET was up and running which was later called CSNET.This network then connected all the universities in America and was later also connected to the EUNet.This was the European network to connect the research facilities in Europe. After the Internet went global, US government had to transfer the management to an independent authority in 1995. (Website 1, Ruthfield S 1995) 6. Internet: Its Uses Internet has made the world into a global village. It uses has been tremendously grown since its introduction. With millions of user worldwide posting and publishing information, its making more data available, producing more results and interacting more easily. Information Internet and www is sometime misinterpreted as a synonym term where as they are totally different. Internet is like hardware of computer which provides software like www to work on it. World Wide Web is a global set of images, documents and other resources logically inter related by hyperlinks and referenced with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI). The internet has enabled individuals and organisation to publish information on such a platform where large number of users can access it.Millions of user posting information worldwide makes internet the biggest database of information and easiest route to use it.Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves has made it even more simpler to look for information in the internet. They are designed to search for information over the internet. By just providing the word for the needed information it searches the entire database in the form of web pages, pictures, videos, or files. Information such as news, product information, maps, weather can be easily retrieved by a single click. Publishing and maintaining web logs (blogs) is also widely in use recently because of the simplicity and zero cost to publish. It is like a diary which can be easily accessed by anyone from anywhere. Users can also build up and take part in discussion forums as per interest and express ones idea as and when and however he/she wishes. Almost every site provides a blog page to make the consumers and internet users provide their honest view easily. So much diverse information online and in within the reach has allowed decentralisation of the information. Retrieval of information from web is certainly quicker, easier and also saves great deal of time compared to encyclopaedias and old fashioned libraries. Communication Communication is another area where the internet is frequently used. It is used in the form of emails, chat, video conference and voice calls. The internet has shown us new ways of communicating and has taken communication to a whole new level. For various reasons such as its low cost, simplicity and accessibility it is getting high attention. Among the all email is an important communication service available. It allows user to send mail electronically with a valid email address to any other valid email address via the internet. It can be read from any computer connected to the internet. User can also attach files like pictures, documents, sound and video with the email. Email has made data transfer and retrieval so much easier. Email gets delivered to the recipient within seconds therefore there is no waiting for the post to get delivered and no worries of losing it. (Folger L, 1997) The next best thing to email is chatting, Chat service allows user to actually have a live conversation with each other or a group. Chat is used in individuals or as a company to pass the message. Many providers like Microsoft and Yahoo provides these features in their website itself for free. (Folger L, 1997) Another way of communicating via the internet is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).This technology is used to transfer voice and packet switched networks over the internet. The technology offers ability to transmit more than one telephone call over the same broadband connection. VoIP enables conference calling, call forwarding and many other features which normal telephone has in almost zero cost. So, just with the internet, microphone and web-camera one can call anyone anywhere along with the video call.   (Harris S and Hansen A, ND) Social Networking Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is possible in person especially in the workplace, universities and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges or workplace, internet is filled with the millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people to get first-hand information and experiences about any number of topics. (Brown K, ND) The internet has enabled entirely new way of interacting with people through social networking. Social sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo provides platform to connect many friends and interact with them which wouldnt have been possible without the internet. It includes visiting other profile pages, commenting or posting feeds, uploading pictures and videos. These kinds of sites have united many friends and groups within the socialisation. However, it definitely arises less face to face interaction and some minor identity thefts. Recently such social sites have also helped raising awareness to the people. E-Shopping The most recent but now a very common and frequent use of the internet is buying and selling over the internet. E-marketing is very popular for many reasons. One good reason is that it takes only a fraction of the cost of advertising through other medium like newspaper and television. Also it has been found that it can reach a far greater consumers based in the internet. E-shopping is also very popular because it can be done sitting in a room. Even if someone needs to sell their products they dont have to open a shop. May be because of this easiness E-shopping is becoming more and more popular. (Folger L, 1997) 7. Future Out of the 6.7 billion human population 1.7 billion of the population is equipped with or has access to internet. This is a growth of 380.3% compared to that of year 2000.The statistics clearly shows the pace of Internets popularity among us people. (Internet World Stats, 2009) Technology is always evolving. The speed which internet developed in the past was so swift it is very likely it will continue its pace in the future.So,what lies in the future for internet and what can users expect? The internet connects world at the present time but is it possible to go further than that? Internet is going off planet.(Dr.Cerf V).A robot is being deployed to North Pole of Mars carrying communication protocol which will eventually lead to inter planetary extension of the internet. Many high-tech innovations such as virtual reality and IP-TV have already become possible in many areas. For example, some medical companies have successfully demonstrated virtual surgery from a virtual flesh. Many websites broadcasts live video through internet protocol (IP) and also allow user to share videos peer to peer (p2p). Most significantly, internet is going mobile in the future. Having said that it is already available in almost all countries with mobile phone facilities but in near future mobile internet will play a major part in the. From heavy machines, internet will be accessible to all possible handhelds and mobile devices. The internet will be accessible anywhere, anytime in a broader band. That means the speed of the net will be very high. For example, time to listen to music will be much higher than to actually download it. We are taking the computer from the two-dimensional desktop metaphor and turning it into a 3D shopping mall model of interaction. (Tom Defanti, ND). This statement clearly suggests where the internet is heading in the future. A 3D interaction will allow Internet users to be in any geographical region without actually getting out of their room. It will allow performing multi task in virtual 3D environment just as in real environment. Besides the development of internet itself, there is also a fear of enslavement by our own creations. Rapid development will eventually lead machines to become intelligent, evolve rapidly and end up treating us like pets. (Saffo P, ND) There is also strong possibility the face interaction will be no more in existence. Even at present, people spend so much time interacting through the internet; there will be time when people will be only interacting with artificially generated stimuli. The development of early forms of networked communication, the telegraph, radio, telephone, television to the internet, communication has come a long way. Prediction made during the 90s is overachieved by 2010.Therefore it wont be surprising if the present prediction comes to reality in future. Ideas like virtual friend, biometric identity and capacity of a machine to download human brain is very daunting. All the developments might be for the benefit of human if the governing body let it remain like that, if not the world will be no more better place to live than it is now.( Janna Quitney Anderson,2006) 8. References IEEE Internet Computing, (1998) Interview: Dan Connolly on the architect of the web, Vol 2,Number 2, March-April, pp. 24-25 IEEE Internet Computing, (1998)Dimensioning the Internet ,Vol 2,Number 2, March-April,p8 Janna Quitney Anderson, (2006) The future of the internet II, Elon University  Lee Rainie Web communication(2008), 1954: foundations for European science[online], CERN,available at; ,accessed on 26/03/10 Web communication(2008), 1990: Tim Berners-Lee invents the Web [online], CERN, available at ,accessed on 26/03/10 Cheryl Gribble(2009), History of the Web; Beginning at CERN [online],,  available, accessed on 27/03/10 Web Server Survey,WSS(2010),March 2010 Web Server Survey[online],WSS,available, accessed on 27/03/10 Steve Crocker(2007),Internet History [online], ,available   at ,   accessed on 28/03/10 Steve Crocker(2007),Internet History, One page Summary [online], ,available   at ,   accessed on 28/03/10 Harris S and   Hansen A,A public Net[online],National Science Foundation, available at accessed on 28/03/10 Internet World Stats(2009), Internet Usage Statistic[online],available at accessed on 28/03/10 Folger L(1997),Common Uses of Internet[online],available at accessed on 29/03/2010 Folger L(1997),Internet Communication[online],available at accessed on 29/03/2010 Folger L(1997),What is VoIP?[online],available at accessed on 29/03/2010 Brown K,What is Social Networking?[online].Karen Brown, available at accessed on 29/03/2010 Harris S and   Hansen A, Expectation for the Internet of Tomorrow[online],National Science Foundation, available at accessed on 28/03/10 BBC (2006),Internets future in 2020 debated[online],BBC,available at accessed on 29/03/10

Friday, September 20, 2019

Young Goodman Brown :: Free Essay Writer

'Young Goodman Brown'; was an interesting story because of its setting, characters, and plot. The story was set in the late Puritan Era when people were scared of the woods due to the mysterious witches and savage Indians. Puritans really liked true colors such as white and red. If white was worn it meant pure but if red was worn it meant evil. As Puritans, an individual had to have pure thoughts, and sex was only thought of to procreate if married.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Young Goodman Brown, Faith, fellow traveler, and the townspeople are the characters in 'Young Goodman Brown.'; Young Goodman Brown means an inexperienced good standing citizen with an ordinary last name. All he wanted was to advance in his social and religion status. His wife, Faith, is a sweet girl who wants her husband to stay home all the time. She wore pink ribbons in her hair, which in the Puritan Era pink resembled pollution. Pink is a mixture of white and red which was not a true color. Today in society pink means innocence, which is ironic from the Puritan way. The fellow traveler could have been either Young Goodman Brown's own personal devil or his father. The townspeople were church going people yet in the end they contradicted their own values and beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot of 'Young Goodman Brown'; had a lot of twists and turns. The story started out with Young Goodman Brown needing to go to an important meeting and to get hoping to raise his religion and social status. He took a simple journey in the forest and it turned into a complicated ending. He met up with a traveler who was waiting for him in the woods. They were walking on a narrow path but it was hard to stay on because of the distraction and they ended up on a wide path. In the Bible it says 'a narrow path leads to heaven, and a wide path leads to hell.'; This was not a simple journey for Young Goodman Brown as a young man because he must have pure thoughts about anything. Strange things began to happen on his journey.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Personal Narrative- Staying Young Forever :: Personal Narrative Essays

Personal Narrative- Staying Young Forever It all begins with the famous phrase, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As children, we think the words "growing up" mean becoming like mom and dad. It means having a job, being able to cook dinner, and knowing how to pay bills. We are too young to understand the real concept behind those two dreadful words. If only someone had told me the truth, I could have prepared for the shock. I hate growing up, and getting older really stinks! The phases of growing up are like a date gone wrong. They start off real nice and eventually smack you in the face. I remember back in kindergarten when there used to be nap time. Oh how I took it for granted! I'm not even sure if I know what the word "sleep" means now. And if school couldn't get more difficult over the years, someone came along and decided we needed to learn languages other than English. As if my English wasn't bad enough, now I have to learn how to speak in gibberish. Growing up causes the "unthinkable" to happen. When I was little, I really should have taken advantage of pure skin, no wrinkles, and the phrase "eat your vegetables." Now, I have to use Clearasil, undereye cream, and drink Slim-Fast! What could possibly be good about becoming old, fat, ugly, and bald? I used to have energy, but now I have to drink caffeine to wake myself up. It used to be that when I went to get my hair cut, my stylist would say, "Look how shiny and thick your hair is." Now I hear, "Okay, what should we try today to give your hair some volume?" Not to mention that we women have the privilege of losing our figures, becoming less attractive, and receiving lumps of cellulite in our backside. That's when we must say, "Goodbye bikinis!" Growing up brings more responsibilities. It used to be that my mom would come in my room every morning and say, "Time to get up!" Now I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock going "beep, beep," and my mom in the next room sawing logs. Just when I thought this was bad, it never occurred to me that at the age of twelve I would eventually have to get something called a "job".

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Abortion: More Harm than Good Essay -- The Right to Life, Pro-Life Essa

In today's society abortion is getting more notice then ever. After the president banned partial birth abortion controversy arose from all sides of the table and has been since Roe v. Wade. Many women today feel as if they should have the right to chose either to bring life into this world or not. These women feel as if abortion will give them a sense of relief. What many of these pro-choicers don't realize is that abortion causes more destruction then relief. Mothers who chose to abort their baby don't realize the post abortion destruction aborting has. These Mothers see it as relief from having to give birth to an unwanted child. Yes, if women have an abortion she will not have to bring an unwanted baby into the world, but is it really a relief? Abortion brings along with it many destructive packages. Packages of murder, emotional and psychological effects along with medical problems. So, Now your thinking Abortion isn't murder, the baby is not even born yet. Well Abortion is murder. An innocent human life is brutally murdered every 22 seconds in the United States. That is a lot of babies being killed every day, and that's just in the United States. At a senate Judiciary subcommittee in 1981 the hearing was about "When does a human life begin." Appearing at this committee was a group of internationally known geneticists and biologists. Dr. Hymie Gordon along with all the others in the group agreed that " by all criteria of modern molecular biology life is present from the moment of conception" (Dr. Hymie Gordon) Former abortionist David Brewer M.D says, " My heart callous agai... ...d from rape or incest. Those giving an opinion 90 percent said they would discourage other victims of sexual violence from having an abortion"(Reardon, Victims and Victors) Among the women in the survey who had a baby, not one expressed regret about her choice. A woman who was a victim of sexual violence says, " What rape takes away from a women abortion can not restore." In today's world abortion is looked upon as a relief mechanism. Young women turn to abortion to escape the responsibility of their actions or from the actions forced upon them. In the long run abortion does nothing but cause destruction not only to the unborn baby but also to the aborting mother. Abortion causes more destruction than relief.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Compare and Contrast Fresh Foods vs. Canned Foods Essay

Eating is something us as humans do everyday. We live in a world where it is important to eat. We choose what we are going to eat, and what we eat affects our bodies. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences between eating fresh foods instead of canned foods. The main differences between both are flavor, health benefits, cost, accessibility. The differences between these two kinds of foods are their flavor. Fresh foods have that great flavor and taste because they keep all their natural conditions, where as canned foods lack of its flavor because of their chemical processes that are added to the natural foods. It is known that the fresh foods will have a great taste and flavor when consumed because of the time in which they have been prepared. Most canned foods are now available in low-salt, no-salt, low-sugar, and no-sugar preparations for those with special dietary needs or for those who want more of a natural flavor. It’s also a way to have a similar taste of fresh foods. Many doctors say that eating fresh foods are the best, followed by frozen, and then canned foods. Canned foods are last because of the heat involved in the processing process. Canned foods lose some of the original fresh food nutrients when stored, and also be tinned with many chemical factors that prolong the shelf life and apparent freshness of the food but could also become toxic if consumed too much. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans show that individuals eating diets higher in fresh foods have a lower risk of chronic disease. Another difference is that fresh food provides all the fiber, vitamins and minerals that are needed for your body to function normal. Fresh foods in grocery stores are picked before being fully ripened so that it will stay firm during its shipment. With canned foods, they are often left to fully ripen before harvesting, resulting in a higher nutritional value of the ripe produce before canning, however since this process method involves lots of process, some nutrients, such as vitamins B and C go down and the relative levels decrease resulting in having lots of sodium. Canned foods have more of sodium adding to them than fresh food. Too much sodium in the diet contributes to increased blood pressure, a risk factor that could lead to lots of chronic conditions. Fresh foods have almost no sodium in them because they don’t get processed the way can foods do. There are thousands of canned food products that are available in every state, lending convenience to those with a very busy lifestyle. The sodium content in commercially canned foods has been significantly reduced, up to 40% over old canning methods. After talking about the three differences between buying fresh foods and buying canned foods. In the end, it comes down to a your personal choice, based on the time each person has, amount of money he/she has to spend on food. Therefore it is important that you consider your possibilities and chooses the best type of foods for your lifestyle. But, of course, fresh foods straight from the garden or farm will always remain the healthiest and have the most nutrition. But for those we don’t have time to grow and produce fresh fruits and vegetables, canned products may be worth considering.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Enid Lee, Incorporating Antiracism Essay

In â€Å"Taking Multicultural, Antiracist Education Seriously,† Barbara Miner interviews Enid Lee, a â€Å"leader in antiracist education† as noted on her website, Enidlee. com. She pushes for the use of the term ‘antiracist’ because the tem currently in use, ‘multicultural’, is too nice, focusing more on food and fun rather than hard issues of racism. Although her interview is inspiring and very necessary, some facets of her presentation seem to swing to far to the militant side to garner widespread acceptance. First, Lee explains that in many schools, European posters, readings, games and activities dominate the landscape. While I believe this is true in some cases, I do not believe it to be true in all cases. Many, many classrooms in which I have learned, observed and taught have been filled with pictures of prominent white, black, Hispanic and Asian authors, researchers, and political leaders. Lee’s multistage approach to antiracist education is clear and organized and sequentially stepped so as not to seem overly forceful. However, her insistent on the use of ‘antiracist’ is a bit harsh in that it assumes that anything not adopted or previous to this new ideology is racist. That is a huge overgeneralization. It also separates people into groups – the antiracists and everyone else, who, by association, must be racist. I do not think that many public school systems, and certainly no private systems, will purchase curricular materials and send teachers and administrators to antiracist workshops because it implies the worst of these people and materials. Lee can simply not make that kind of generalization. She urges the changes to extend beyond the school. Racism is alive and well in the community, but her approach sends the wrong message: â€Å"We have an antiracist plan to change this racist community. That is the message that people will hear. A less forceful message is much preferable to Lee’s approach. Lee is convincing in her devotion to creating antiracist schools. She urges to push for administrative changes and curricular changes, which she admits are financially blockaded by under-funded school districts. She gives an unsubstantiated claim that multicultural, antiracist programs are the most under-funded, when the removal of arts programs in elementary schools has made the national media several times in the last few years. Finally, after admitting the sad lack of money for programs, she launches on her website, a national push for her own conference called â€Å"Putting Equity on the Table† that costs $1450 for two school officials to attend. This is a three day conference and the rate (which is the early bird rate) does not include the hotel fee at the Hampton Inn in downtown Boston. In addition, the recommended reading resource is entitled Education Children of African Ancestry in the United States of America, Canada, and the United Kingdom. If we are truly talking about an antiracist education, why does our primary conference resource only focus on one race? Nobody will fault Enid Lee and others like her for taking on the cause of equity in education. Clearly the past has shown that steps are necessary. However, Lee’s focus on only African-descended children, on an inflammatory name for her type of education (which, oddly, does not appear on her conference registration information), and on her need to charge exorbitant fees for her conference detract from her credibility and are likely to be off-putting for widespread educators.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The State Board of Nursing Agency Overview

I chose to review the State Board of Nursing for the state of Ohio at, www. nursingohio. gov. The mission of the Ohio Board of Nursing is to actively safeguard the health of the public through effective regulation of nursing care ( www. nursing. oho. gov; June 2013) The agency offers nurses the ability to renew licenses and certifications online, enroll into refresher courses, sign up for state conferences and review laws and rules of the State Board. The agency holds its standards and requirements to its nurses to the up most. While researching information I found that any actions that our field against board members are located on the site as well as any disciplinary actions that may take place. In January of 2013 I located 256 disciplinary actions from indefinite suspensions, to permanently revoked license, to hearing actions. Then 44 monitoring actions from urine drug requirements, lift of narcotic restrictions, and approved to accept employment actions. The agency supports the patients that each member comes in contact with. The State Board requires each member to practice nursing safeguards. Making sure that every nurse is familiar with laws and rules that affect his/or her practice. As well as providing trainings, assessments to keep every member up to date to prevent penalties. The State Board also provides a listing for education purposes for associate degree programs that are offered in many different cities in Ohio from Akron, Ohio to Cincinnati, Ohio. Each school is to meet the Boards requirements and allows a student to see if a college is conditional approved, fully approved or provisional approved by the state board. The site also assists with FAQ for continuing education and scholarship and loan opportunities for nurses in the state of Ohio. The Ohio State Board, is not only is available for nurses to review but also allows t the public to know there rights, as well as file complaints if need be. I think the fact that Board makes it know that they hold each of their members accountable to provided quality care shows that they are committed to make sure nurses maintain its high standards.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

High Performance Working Systems Essay

High performance working systems have been defined as a combination of the practices of HR, the work structure of the organization and the processes utilized by the organization in order to maximize the knowledge, skills, commitment and flexibility of the employees. When this is implemented effectively, this form of working system would be able to benefit both the employees and management of the organization since employees will become more involved in the organization by becoming valuable contributors to the overall growth of the company (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). In the case of Lanier Worldwide, the high performance working system would benefit the company since there are a number of branches that are situated around the country, utilizing a high performance working system would ensure that they are given up-to-date information of the company’s business plans and strategies which would allow the employees from the different branches to provide suggestions in order to improve the operations of the company as well as making the employees more committed to the courses of action being implemented by the company (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). While all of the steps in setting up a high performance working system are considered to be crucial, the most important would have to be the establishment of a solid two-way communication plan during the initial stages of the changes being made by the company using this form of working system. This is because when management is able to properly communicate with their employees, fears and concern that may be felt by employees will be diminished. This, in turn, will ensure that commitment towards the established goals of the company will be reaffirmed and allow issues and areas of improvement to easily be addressed. Without a properly crafted communication plan, employees may become apathetic to the changes management would want to implement which may open doors to more problems on the part of the company’s operation as a whole.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Origins of American Exceptionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Origins of American Exceptionalism - Essay Example There are a number of arguments that have been developed that aims at explaining the history of the exceptionalism in America (Holland 53). Hector, a renowned historian, claims that the idea of exceptionalism in America did not occur because of power that America had. According to his view, America started from a very humble background. He claimed the history of America is very ironic as compared to that of the Europe. He claims that America had no great lords who possess everything, no great manufacturers employing thousands, and no great refinements of luxury. Principally, according to Hector, America did not had the kind of power it possess in the present time. However, because of its spirit of industry and work, America began to expand and grow economically, socially and other aspects of life began improving. According to hector, the phenomenon of exceptionalism came about due to the ability of America to accept the emigrants from other countries. Their elusively commercial habit s seem to divert the pursuit of science, proximity to Europe, literature, and arts, which allows them to neglect these pursuit without even relapsing into barbarism. American education, wants, and everything about him unites in drawing the native of the United States earthward. Farming was the initial economic activity that enabled most of the Americans to develop (Holland 63). Franklin is another great historian who made great effort towards finding out the source or history of exceptionalism. Most of his arguments were because the increase in the population of America is one of the main reasons making an American exceptionalism. He attributed the concept of exceptionalism to the fact that plenty of cheap land encourages people to have children and hence enhances the population of people. Franklin summarizes his argument by concluding that employment and better crop production techniques were some of the main factors that made America reach the current level (Ignatieff 13). He furt her states that there were extra foods that could b used to feed Americans and hence resulting in a strong nation that can rely on its own. Idea of diversification is also another element of exceptionalism. Franklin argues that prospect of good subsistence is another factor that played a role in making America an exceptional state as far as power is concerned. It is clear that most of the arguments made by Franklin are inclined to the means of earning a living. This means that the ability to provide for the children and the family is directly proportional to the power of the America. This is justified by the quote he made that state that America would not improve unless the new comers are more industrious and have mid frugality than the native. This statement means the main source of power in America is the hard work and industrious nature of the American. Unlike Hector, Franklin believed that increase in population compounded by hard work is the main source of exceptionalism (Holla nd 53). Drummer, another historian claims that the principle of exceptionalism can be traced back to the time of charter colonies. the reason why drummer fought for the charter colonies to remain is the fact that this colonies were from New England, which despite the fact that it didn’t produce sugar, it helps other islands that do, and without their assistance they could not make it to produce sufficient quantities and cheap enough to answer the markets in Europe. They was

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Persuasive research paper- concealed handgun laws Essay

Persuasive research paper- concealed handgun laws - Essay Example Pro Majority of the criminals are less daring to target individuals who are highly trained and fully equipped with weapons. Citizens must take privilege of this fact and utilize it for their personal protection. They must use the lawful approach for acquisition of legally authorized protective weapons. The armed officials can take absolute advantage of the fact that criminals mostly tend to attack people who are unarmed, and disguise themselves in general public attire to trap the criminals. In 2000, John Lott, PhD conducted a research that clearly asserted that â€Å"shall-issue† commandments have diminished slaughtering by 8.5%, intensified the attacks by 7%, abductions by 5%, and burglary by 3% (Wilson 60). Lott further clarified that if government would have passed the law of authorization of obscured handguns in 1992, which it dissolved in the year 1977, then 1570 assassinated people, 4177 abductions, 60,000 exaggerated attacks and 12000 burglaries would have been avoided in these fifteen years. The modified US bill clearly states that the possession of unrevealed handguns is absolutely lawful and it is not an offense. The modified US constitution further elaborates that there is no harm in legalizing the possession of hidden guns by private army personnel, and there is undoubtedly a dire need for such measures for the security of the people living in a democratic nation. According to the 1997 statistics of National Crime Victimization Assessment, the burglary and battering sufferers who had guns to protect themselves were less probably harassed or experienced a grievance, as compared to those implementing alternative techniques of self-protection, or those people who do not oppose at all in self defense (Wilson 55). Though carrying a concealed handgun is not always a necessity for a grown-up, but it undoubtedly generates a strong sense of self protection in an individual and delivers a state of liberation to go outdoors at night or in treacherous a reas. Many grown-ups who are lawfully carrying concealed handguns are honest and self controlled people who do not abuse their weapons and do not violate the county’s laws. In a report by William Sturdevant (2000) circulated by Texas Concealed Handgun Association website, the common man encounters a 5.7 times greater incidence of being lawfully punished for brutal crimes and 13.5 times more probable to be put up in police lock-ups for peaceful wrongdoings, than licensed hidden arms holders (Bird 38). Bearing a secret handgun possibly will aid in finishing public victimization extravaganzas. If there was a citizen carrying concealed handgun during the slaughtering incidents that were experienced during 1999 in the Columbine High School in Virgina Tech firing event on April 17,2009; then several lives could have been saved. The management cannot assure the security of its inhabitants (Elmer 2012). Every citizen must understand that it is their individual responsibility to prote ct themselves, their families and their community. Any citizen who considers himself bold enough to proudly take this responsibility, then government must not create an obstacle for that person in legal acquisition of concealed handguns. The question of importance that arises here is that if criminals can illegitimately avail concealed hand guns to victimize the innocent people, then why they should the responsible citizens suffer more by

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The roles and influences of the various actors and groups involved in Essay

The roles and influences of the various actors and groups involved in policy-making - Essay Example Thus, tourism, for any State, creates job opportunities, bringing in money, while forming a cost-effective measure to revive ‘run-down communities’ (ibid). A sustainable and well-managed tourism sector is environmentally advantageous for the country, subsequently assisting in elevating the quality of lives for the local inhabitants. Thus it is imperative that public policies on an economic sector as important as tourism be carefully framed, keeping in mind various aspects like economic development of the chosen location, sustainability of the entire project, amongst many others. Policies, in both public and private sectors, provide a framework for making decisions, and help to connect the process of strategy planning with actual implementation (Wheelen and Hunger, 1990). Tourism policy is can be viewed as "a set of regulations, rules, guidelines, directives, and development objectives and strategies† (Goeldner, Ritchie & McIntosh 2000, 445). In tourism policymaking , the focus would involve around creating guidelines for the development of sustainable tourism along with a plan for future measures and developmental route (Jenkins 2000). The Tourism industry in any country includes other business sectors like hospitality services, museums, heritage sites, various events, and transportation, thus making it imperative that besides the governmental authorities, various actors and groups form other business sectors remain involved or taken under consideration while framing policies for tourism. This essay will examine the various actors and groups that remain involved in tourism policymaking, the levels of influence of the various groups involved in tourism policy-making and how this has changed over time, and evaluate the linkages and/or partnerships that exist between groups involved in tourism policy-making especially in the context of UK tourism policymaking. Discussion A brief analysis of tourism industry in UK: UK tourism primarily is domestic based, and figures (fig 1) show that UK residents make more than â€Å"1bn overnight trips and day visits† annually, which comes to a count of nearly of 17 trips per person residing in UK, subsequently leading to almost ?67bn being circulated within UK economy each year (Tourism-Alliance, Tourism: Britain’s best opportunity for sustainable economic growth and new employment, 2010, 1). Fig 1: Domestic Tourism Expenditure by Destination. Here we find that redistribution of expenditure within UK tourism occurs mainly from urban centres like large cities and towns, and moves towards small villages and communities that live near the sea. (Source: Tourism-Alliance, Tourism: Britain’s best opportunity for sustainable economic growth and new employment, 2010, 1). In the arena of international tourism, UK is a popular destination, with large number of foreign visitors coming in each year. These overseas tourists act as a booster for the UK economy (as shown in fig 2), a s they bring in annual revenue worth almost ?19bn (which is worth more than the revenues earned from North Sea oil). Of the revenue generated the foreign tourists, nearly â€Å"?3.5bn goes straight to the Exchequer through Air Passenger Duty and VAT to help fund health, education and other public services†

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ethical Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Ethical Question - Essay Example I will then head straight to the university’s head office to seek assistance. Since, it is prudent for the university’s management to be aware of what has transpired in the institution premises because they are accountable of everything and everyone within its confinements. I would then call the nearest police station and inform them of what has transpired and the location of the accident. This is to prove the accident was not intentional besides showing that I am ready to face the consequences. The management will then try as much as possible to locate the car’s owner with the registration number, which I took with the intention of discussing with owner on how to resolve the issue. Together with him or her, we would discus amicably the best way besides agreeing to cater for any caused damages. The reason for these actions will encompass upholding my dignity and ethics that I normally keep all through my life (Jennings 30). Secondly, I will be adhering to the already set laws that govern the state and dictate diverse restitutions, which any offender ought to observe. This is to maintain good and health interrelationships with the owner of the car despite both of being strangers to each other (Jennings 30). Therefore, my actions will be ensuring the person whom I have backed into his or her car will not feel much wronged. This is especially when he or she emerges and fails to see who was responsible for what has happened to his or her

Monday, September 9, 2019

IT privacy protection, first mover and follower advantages Essay

IT privacy protection, first mover and follower advantages - Essay Example s of privacy policies, after selecting the websites it will discuss privacy policy features of those websites, than it will analyse the availability of those privacy features and will rank them accordingly, and, in the end, the study will provide a brief conclusion. Privacy protection utility is a privacy feature which removes the track of your move. Everything you do leaves tracks behind, it includes each and every activity such as browsing on the web, watching video, and shopping online. Privacy protection utility removes all tracks, in this way the user is safe and the browser stability and performance are increased. By default, on websites such as on social network websites, user’s information such as user’s id, username, networks, profile picture, and gender are publically available to the applications and advertisements; this option allows the user to control the information share setting with applications and advertisements. This safety option allows the user to clean up all the browsing data on the website; it increases the browser stability and allows the user to stay away from all the misuse of browsing records. Everything you browse on a specific websites leaves tracks; option allows the user to clean all the history. When you visit a website for a purchase, watching video, or just browsing, websites store user’s basic information and purchase or browsing behaviors in a cookie on the user PC and personalize website experiences for the visitors to make the website more attractive for users and to increase the website visits. This may be harmful as there is a risk of interruption and modification by other users which may result in wrong use of information and can create a source of tension and loss for the user. Most browsers accept all cookies by default. Cookie manager is a safety feature which allows the user to control the cookie settings (Alwang, 2001). Email is exposed to electronic dangers when it passes through different Internet

3 English Assignments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

3 English Assignments - Assignment Example Below examples of all five definitions, this will hopefully help everyone understand vectors. Scalars are quantities that can only be measured. Temperature and time are examples of a scalar. Examples of time being measured would be a child’s word per minute (wpm). Supposes Child X reads 118 wpm. The equation for this example would be: This equation states velocity equals 17 meters per second. That is the measurement of velocity, but velocity has another part. Velocity also has direction. To correctly state velocity one must state an object is travelling 17m/s South. The measurement of velocity is called speed. Thus velocity is made up of direction and speed. Velocity is a quantity that can be defined as a vector. Directions as defined in relation to vectors are as seen on a compass; North, South, West, and East. In order to be considered a vector, the object must be going a direction that can be seen on the compass. If an individual is unsure if a quantity qualifies as a scalar or vector, just question if the quantity is heading a direction that can be mapped on a compass like the one below. The compass is separated into 360 °. Right angles are between each direction (N,S,E,W). North and South are separated by 180 °. Thus vectors are given a specific direction. Examples can be written two ways: The easiest way to explain this concept is the 30 ° North of East is 30 ° of the arrow from the East sign to the North sign or 60 ° North to the East side. The directions are 90 ° for each four sections of the compass. Vectors are quantities that have measure and direction. A bicycle, ball, car, and other objects can be measured and follow a compass direction. Vectors are symbolized as arrows and points. Below is an example of a vector. Vectors are simply something that can be measured with direction that can be tracked on the compass. Vectors are extremely important in physics. Vectors can be â€Å"acceleration, force,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Money reward is superior to any other motivational incentives Assignment

Money reward is superior to any other motivational incentives - Assignment Example However, Thomas (2000) explains that without good working conditions, it is impossible for high salaries to be a good motivator to the employees of an organization. Thomas (2000) therefore explains that, the link between compensation, performance and motivation is very complex, and difficult to understand. Research indicates that if people were left to decide on how much money they should earn, then chances are high that they would not get satisfaction in their jobs. Human resource experts, who advocate for money as a motivator, also accept the notion that money alone cannot act as an effective motivator. Other factors such as a good working environment, cooperation between employees and the management, ability for growth are other motivational factors that are effective in increasing the morale of workers. The basic question to ask in this debate is on whether money plays a role in making our jobs enjoyable or not. Furthermore, the question to ask is whether high salaries play a role in motivating or de-motivating the employees of an organization. Whiteley (2002) explains that in as much as money is not the major motivator, in an organization, lack of good salaries can become a de-motivator. We are living in a capitalistic world, where everything we do, is monetized. It is very difficult to survive without making good money, or earning a good salary. The social status of an individual is also motivated, based on the kind or amount of money that he or she earns. It is based on these factors that employees of a business organization normally want to be paid high salaries, or a decent income for their services to an organization. Whiteley (2002) explains that a good theoretical framework that explains the importance of money is the Hierarchy of Needs theory, formulated by Abraham Maslow. The second level of these needs is security. Maslow explains that employees of an organization always have a

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 48

Assignment - Essay Example nalysis is to find an experience or idea that is vital in providing me with a new perspective about different situations of my life especially managerial issues. In analyzing the events and concepts, I will be able to get meaning and connection by evaluating the impact a story, concept, suggestion or idea has on my personal life. Physical, spiritual and mental impacts are aspects that operate under the law of cause and effect,† and these effects are vital in the personal analysis. The result of a persons thoughts can be manifested in the short term, a factor that makes this law effective in the analysis. Therefore, the law of â€Å"cause and effect† is very important as it helps one to become conscious at making decisions through experience, and learning vital aspects of ones lives. Information and different ideas can be found either in the library or in the internet. However, I choose the latter as it is readily available at any time of the day. As I own a computer, it is easier for me to get information at any time of the day. Moreover, there are relevant numerous resources that expound on various scenarios that company experi ence. This provides a perfect platform for relevant knowledge. The resources I utilize from the internet must be of recent and able to provide numerous scenarios that give different viewpoints. Therefore, different meanings can be deciphered from different aspects of our lives. However, the route to personal meaning is a very hard task, which requires time and different tools of analysis. In scrutinizing various resources on managerial issues, I am able to deal with any situation that I experience. Consequently, the knowledge on managerial capabilities and issues leads eye-opening facts about an individual, which he/ she was not aware. Ideas and stories are concepts that are connected at various levels, and through capturing, sharing, analyzing and articulating the various aspects of the ideas, we are able to make a personal analysis of

Friday, September 6, 2019

Douglas MacArthur Essay Example for Free

Douglas MacArthur Essay Carlos Peà ±a Romulo once wrote that each of his careers â€Å"might have been lived in a different country and a different age.† Soldier, journalist, educator, author, and diplomat, he was a definitive world figure of the 20th century. Romulo grew up in the town of Camiling in the province of Tarlac in northern Philippines. He was born within the Spanish walled city of Intramuros, Manila, on January 14, 1898, at the twilight of one colonial regime and the dawning of another. His father, Gregorio, fought in the revolution for Philippine independence against Spain and, until surrender, America. The bitterness of the conflicts left an impression on the young boy—marking â€Å"the beginnings of a rebel,† as he called it—and he made a promise never to smile at an American soldier. His levelheaded father eventually welcomed American schoolteachers who came to Tarlac to teach English, however, becoming the first of the town’s elders to learn the language. Likewise, the young Romulo’s hatred abated not only because of his father’s example but also because he became friendly with an American sergeant. His father’s dream of an independent and democratic Philippines lived on. One of the last to take his oath of allegiance to America, the elder Romulo learned to accept the foreign power’s rulings except—as the young Romulo recounts in his memoirs—â€Å"in the manner of the flag.† â€Å"The American law says we cannot display our flag in any public place,† Gregorio Romulo told his family. â€Å"Well, my bedroom is not a public place.† In World War II Romulo was aide-de-camp to General Douglas MacArthur. As a journalist he wrote a series of articles, after a tour of the Far East, about Japanese imperialism, and predicted an attack on the United States. For this he won the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for Distinguished Correspondence, and it was MacArthur himself who delivered to his friend the good news. His skill at using words made Romulo the logical choice to become â€Å"the Voice of Freedom,† which broadcasted news of the war effort to Filipinos and Americans alike. Often contrary to Japanese propaganda, Romulo’s reports earned the ire of the enemy, who put a price on his head. But Romulo kept broadcasting until the Fall of Bataan, and abandoned his post only after MacArthur’s strict orders to leave. He flew first to Australia, eventually ending up in the United States in exile, leaving behind his wife and four sons. In 1924 Romulo married Virginia Llamas, a local beauty titlist. They met at a picnic and they married not long after being crowned King and Queen of a Manila carnival. She once commented that she was the type of wife who preferred to glow â€Å"faintly in her husband’s shadow,† to which one acquaintance quipped, â€Å"this didn’t leave much room to glow in†Ã¢â‚¬â€a jab at Romulo’s height. Standing only 5’4† in his shoes, Romulo often made fun of his height. His book I Walked With Heroes opens with the anecdote about being the newly elected president of the United Nations—the first Asian to ever hold the post—and having to be â€Å"perched atop three thick New York City telephone books† just to see and be seen by all the delegates below the podium. When MacArthur fulfilled his promise to return to the Philippines, with Romulo at his side, it was reported that the American general was wading in waist-deep water. One correspondent, Walter Winchell, immediately wired back asking how Romulo could have waded in that depth without drowning. He also used his height to his advantage. â€Å"The little fellow is generally underrated in the beginning,† he once wrote. â€Å"Then he does something well, and people are surprised and impressed. In their minds his achievement is magnified.† A very early photo of Romulo Team members of the University of the Philippines debate team, with Professor Carlos P. Romulo (center). From left: Pedro Camus, Teodoro Evangelista, Deogracias Puyat, and Jacinto C. Borja. The photo was taken in San Francisco, California, April 18, 1928, and the caption reads: â€Å"Four students of the University of the Philippines, under the leadership of Prof. Carlos P. Romulo of the College Faculty, recently arrived in the United States on a tour of the world to debate the question of Filipino independence. The round-the-world debate on the Philippine question is academic and has nothing to do with politics.† This kind of understanding served him well as he began a career as a diplomat at the United Nations. Describing himself as the â€Å"barefoot boy of politics,† he had never before attended an international conference and was new to diplomacy. To add to this challenge, he was representing a small nation that had not yet achieved independence. (There already had been reports of Filipino delegates being ignored at international meetings.) Romulo—whose lifelong dream was to help build a body such as the United Nations—resolved to make the Philippines the voice of all small nations. As a signatory of the charter forming the United Nations in 1945, he spoke the famous line, â€Å"Let us make this floor the last battlefield† at the first General Assembly. There was at first silence, but then he received a standing ovation—the only one given to any speaker at the conference. Romulo launched himself fully into the world of international diplomacy, standing his ground against the big powers and committing himself to the causes of fledging nations. Dismissed by some, like Andrei Vishinsky, chief of the Soviet delegation, as a â€Å"little man from a little country,† Romulo was undeterred, fighting â€Å"like David, slinging pebbles of truth between the eyes of blustering Goliaths.† President of the UN General Assembly Carlos P. Romulo introduces US President Harry S. Truman to Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky of the USSR, October 24, 1949, during the cornerstone laying ceremony of the UN headquarters in New York City. President of the UN General Assembly Carlos P. Romulo introduces US President Harry S. Truman to Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky of the USSR, October 24, 1949, during the cornerstone laying ceremony of the UN headquarters in New York City. Dubbed by his colleagues â€Å"Mr. United Nations,† he was elected president of the United Nations General Assembly in 1949—the first Asian to hold the position—and served as president of UN Security Council four times, in 1981, in 1980 and twice in 1957. Despite all the triumphs, Romulo hit low points in his life. His eldest son Carlos, Jr., died in a plane crash in 1957, and his beloved wife died in 1968, near the end of his terms as president of the University of the Philippines, his alma mater, and, concurrently, Secretary of Education. â€Å"I had to be outstanding,† he wrote, â€Å"to make the greatest effort to win, to prove I was capable not in spite of having been born a Filipino but because I was a Filipino.†