Sunday, January 5, 2020

Lin, 2009 Critical Analysis - 1156 Words

â€Å"Critically evaluate Lin, 2009. Is it true that an international student must learn a new way of thinking and writing when they come to study in a UK-type academic environment?† INTRODUCTION Nowadays, there is a lot of scientist and professional who want to learn English to benefit from its leading position of power in modern research and economy. Linn (2009) mentioned that he agree with what Schneider Fujishima (1995) say about academic writing in English particularly after its long history of development. The strength reputation of the British education system has brought a lot of international students to study in the UK. Writing in an effective way is one of the important skills that students need to learn. Languages are affected†¦show more content†¦A lot of academic readers may agree with him because writing in short paragraph will make reading easier. III-Non-Metaphorical Usage: almost all languages use metaphors to explain meaning. Trujillo Seaz(2003), cited in Linn(2009) claimed that it might be used in high levels in the UK media and the American business communication. On the other hand, academic writers try not to use metaphors that much in their published academic papers. According to Linn(2009) the Oriental, Semitic and Romance/Russian do not make that difference in academic writing. People may argue that probably it is better to make the published paper as easy as they could, so it will be understandable for the majority of the readers. Others could argue that maybe the paper was not published for the public to read or to understand it was published for professional academic readers. Sondek’s research (2008), cited in Linn(2009), which looked at the writing style of PhD students from a different countries. All students wrote a 400 words essay about â€Å"What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of higher education and to what extent have you benefited from higher education?† Linn(2009),â€Å"Sondek’s(2008) hypothesis was that on the measures used to evaluate rhetorical styleShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Information Technology On Scm862 Words   |  4 Pagesvariance. This section will provide analysis of 25 articles that were coded in order to identify impacts that different technologies have on SCM, draw a cost benefit analysis for implementation , and explore various modules that get affected within SCM. 4.2.1 RQ1 .What impacts does information technology systems have on SCM strategies? 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